Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The January Blauhs

Well here we go, the start of a New Year. We make all these goals, some we accomplish and some we don't. I will have to say that January is one of my least favorite months in the year. Snow, snow and more snow. I tell Jason that when he retires that we are going to move to Saint George, or Kanab. That way I get the warmth and he can still have some cooler weather. They say that opposites attract. And we are definitely opposite on this one issue. I am thankful for the snow and I know that we need it and my kids love it! My kiddies would hate it if they could not go snowboarding, sledding , just going out and making a snowman and driving their mom batty with all the winter clothes that it takes to go out in the snow to play. Okay enough of my complaining about the weather of all things. We had a wonderful Christmas!!! I am always a little low after Christmas. As a mother maybe you can attest to this. It seems that we put so much time into decorating the house, shopping and planning what gifts to get, how much money we have, trying to convey the true meaning of Christmas. (Bringing the real Christmas spirit in) and as always it comes to a end so fast. It is over in less than a day, when it takes a couple of months. If your like me and wait until the last minute to shop for Christmas. I will have to say I love my family so much! It was really nice to see how excited that they all were. Especially my older ones, they spent their own time and money on there family this year. And they were so excited to give to one another. That is the true meaning of Christmas! On Christmas Eve, we went over to my in law's before we went to my mom's, exchanged presents there. Then went to mom's, came home had the kids open up Pj's and slippers. Wrapped until 1:00 a.m. and didn't get into bed until 2:00 a.m. (Good thing that my kids don't wake up that early.) Christmas day was nice. Jason's parents came over to see what the kids got. My brother and his wife and my parents came over and we made breakfast. It was a very nice day. Relaxing and calm. My sister and her family came on the 27th for a week. We had so much fun!! It was a really busy time, but I loved every minute of it. I am so thankful for family!